18 Things I Learned in 2018

2018 has been one hell of a year, let me tell you. It has pushed me outside of my comfort zone in ways I couldn’t even imagine. On NYE last year, I sat at a bar in downtown Milwaukee with some friends and thought about what I’d like to accomplish for the year. I was still living with my parents and at a job that was eating me alive. I felt drained creatively and absolutely positively stuck. I looked at Jake and I said, “If we’re still where we are this time next year, we’ve got some major issues.” So we made the change and created a year full of changes and and teeing up for our best year yet. Its been “End of an Era” and “Out with the old in with the new” year. Here’s 18 things I’ve learned in 2018…
- You’re not stuck. If you’re unhappy, make a change. F*** what people think.
- Invest in your creativity and self love above everything else.
- Living alone will teach you more about yourself than you ever imagined.
- Comparison is the most toxic chemical. Period.
- Talk about your mental health – I can’t stress this enough.
- Quitting a job is the most terrifying and liberating thing in the world.
- I can’t do diets or workout plans. Been there, tried that. F*** it.
- If your squad isn’t on your same frequency, you need a new squad.
- If you don’t ask, the answer is always “NO”
- If it’s not a “Hell YES” it’s a “NO”
- It’s OK to dish a big unapologetic “NO” if your plate is too full.
- Money comes and goes. Pay your bills. Get shit done. Period.
- Set aside time to be creative or you will never have time to be creative.
- Send more handwritten Thank You cards.
- Call your mom – and other people you love for that matter.
- The only way to get through loss is to feel your way through it.
- Do something everyday that scares you. – Thank you Eleanore Roosevelt.
- Never stop hustling. At the end of the day you’re all you’ve got. Push yourself to reach your potential.
Now…for 2019. Bring it on. My montra “Have grace with yourself” because I’m not perfect. I read this amazing quote on Pinterest- “Grace works best on messy people.” The pressure to be perfect is real. Sh*t is gonna hit the fan and that’s ok. I’m gonna mess up and that’s ok too. Get ready for the most pomTASTIC, authentic, and colorful year yet. 2019, I am READY for you!