Inevitable Quirk

Inevitable Quirk
I find it easiest to break the ice by embarrassing myself in front of people I don’t know. Go big or go home as I always say! So you’re about to read some of the weirdest things about me. I’m all about the quirk. No shame.
I was on a traveling puppet team in elementary school. I took auditions very seriously squeezed a tennis ball for a week to strengthen my hand muscles. Commitment.
80% of my memory capacity is taken up by song lyrics.
Aaron Carter was the first love of my life. I know how to pick em.
I’m growing a mean cat shirt collection. I’ve got big plans.
Don’t turn on “Thriller” at a party and expect me to remain calm.
I can’t go a whole day without cleaning my ears. I know it’s bad for me and I’ll probably be deaf by 40.
I can recite the movie Elf effortlessly. I’ve seen it approximately 43,567 times.
I’m either late or I’m not coming. Plain and simple.
My burps often sound like baby pterodactyl barks. She is elegance and grace.
Few things bring me more joy than baby animal videos.
I can’t whistle. Doesn’t matter who tries to teach me. I’ve accepted it.
Embrace your quirks because perfect is boring. The world needs your authenticity!
That’s all for now on this premier episode. Tune in next time!
*Searched for available corgi puppies and watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s while writing this blog post*
P.S. I’ve watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s three times and I still couldn’t tell you the plot line.