Taking on Mad City
A month ago today I packed up my life and moved to Madison, WI.
I felt trapped since I graduated from college 2 years ago. I was working a job that was draining me mentally, physically, and emotionally. I dreaded getting out of bed every morning and would go to bed immediately when I got home. My creative drive was gone. The cherry on top? My car was totaled in an accident and I was finishing up physical therapy treatment for whiplash.
Perfectionism kept me in the same place. I didn’t want to make the wrong move and fail. My next move had to be spectacular or I felt that I wouldn’t be able to justify it. I put so much pressure on myself that I settled in my comfort zone.
On a Tuesday night in early January I got a call from a dear friend about a job opportunity at a non profit in Madison whose mission is to “Connect, inspire, and empower women.” SAY NO MORE. I applied and my interview was 2 days later.
After being offered the position and had two very clear options on the table:
- Stay unhappy but comfortable financially.
- Be happy and uncomfortable financially.
It was time to jump out of my comfort zone.
I quit my job and had two weeks to pack up my life, find an apartment, and hightail it out of Rockford like a bat out of hell.
Suddenly, I found myself with a new car in a new city, living in a new home, and starting a new job.
I’ve learned 5 really important things in making this big transition:
- The universe hears your cries for help and will clear your path for you. All you have to do is show up.
- Doubters will be perfectly placed in your life to push you a little bit harder.
- If it’s not a “Hell yes!” its a “NO.” I apply this rule to most everything.
- It is ok to ask for help. (I had to swallow my Leo pride for this one.)
- I doubt myself every day and I shouldn’t because I am brave as hell.
I’ll be honest, Madison was never on my list of ‘next step’ places and the transition has not been easy. In fact, it’s been one of the hardest things I’ve had to do and I couldn’t be happier.
Here’s to creating the life you love to live.